Safety and Security

Emergency Messages for Students

Emergency messages for students will be given only in a life/death situation or when an unfortunate situation has risen. This policy was established to diminish interruptions to classroom instruction.

Emergency Preparedness

An Emergency Preparedness Plan has been prepared by staff and is on file in the main office. If you are interested in reviewing this plan, please come by.

Evacuation Drills

Numerous evacuation drills will be conducted throughout the school year so that students and staff will respond in a safe and efficient manner if faced with a true emergency.

Follow the general guidelines described below when the warning sounds:

  1. Do not treat any alarm as a false alarm.
  2. Check the instructions in each room on how to evacuate the building and what procedures to follow.
  3. Move quickly and quietly to the designated area
  4. Follow the directions of all staff members.

Security Guidelines

  1. Do not leave valuables of any kind in your P. E. locker.
  2. Always check your lock before walking away from your P. E. locker.
  3. DO NOT share lock combinations.
  4. Know where your possessions are at all times.
  5. Bicycles should be locked in the bicycle racks located in the bungalow area.
  6. Do not bring excessive amounts of money to school.
  7. Report any theft or suspected theft to a teacher, vice principal or security agent immediately.
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