1. Academic Honesty
Honesty and integrity are essential to a successful education. Cheating undermines the academic process, shatters students' integrity, and destroys the trust required for an honest, productive teacher and student relationship. To instill in students the importance of honesty and integrity, the staff at Bell Middle School will enforce the Academic Honesty Policy to promote academic honesty.
Allowing other students to copy your tests, assignments, or homework
Copying from another student's homework, test, or assignment
Committing plagiarism by obtaining materials from other students, printed materials, or on-line sources
Stealing, exchanging, or altering materials
Developing a pattern of being absent when tests are scheduled
Applying pressure for grade changes
Using computers or computer networks inappropriately
Consequences (Any violation will result in one or more of the below consequences):
Students will receive a zero on the assignment or test
The citizenship grade will be no higher than an "N" on that six-week progress report
The parent(s) will be notified
The offense will be reported to the counselor and kept in the student's permanent file
F/U for the semester
Removal from the class
It is the goal of the Academic Honesty Policy to create an atmosphere of academic honesty by all participants.
2. Technology Ethics
Bell Middle School provides technology for instruction and access to the Internet for all students. Students are expected to access the Internet only for instructional purposes. Class time and equipment are not to be used for unethical or unauthorized information searches. Students not meeting ethical standards will lose their privilege of using computers on campus.
In order to access technology and the Internet at Bell, these rules must be followed:
The student and parent must sign and submit a Technology Access Contract
Students must not access, search, display, or print inappropriate or profane material
There can be no advertisements or political lobbying of any kind
Students must be polite and have good manners
Students must not reveal their personal addresses or telephone numbers, or those of any other persons
Internet access must be under teacher supervision and be a part of the class curriculum
Use of school printers is restricted to classroom-related assignments
E-mail may be used only under the direct supervision of a teacher as part of a specific assignment.