The physical education program is directed towards the attainment of physical fitness and the development of motor skills, leading to a lifetime commitment to individual excellence through physical activity.
PE gives the students the opportunity to get fit on a daily basis, while having fun and putting their energy to good use. Students can compete and improve their skills in a variety of sports offered. The list includes football, basketball, racquetball, soccer, tennis, dance, volleyball, volley-tennis, track and field, and many more.
All students are required to change into physical education uniforms to participate in daily class activities. The required uniform is a gray t-shirt and black shorts. PE apparel meeting this requirement can be purchased at the ASB Store on campus. (Please Note: No physical education grade of a student may be impacted based on the failure to wear standardized apparel due to circumstances beyond the control of the student). In addition to the PE uniform, it is suggested that students have a back-up (substitute) uniform in their locker as well as a gray, white, navy blue, or black sweatshirt and sweat pants to wear on cold days.
For theft prevention and identification, uniforms must be marked with the owner's last name. It is very important that students master the technique of opening and securing their locker, which starts with knowing the three-number combination. All valuables must be secured in the PE locker before leaving the locker room.
Students with medical concerns should discuss any limitations with the school nurse and their coach. In most cases, they are still expected to participate in class. A parent's note excusing a student from physical education is limited to three days.
In general, all students are expected to dress-out, follow instructions, and participate fully in all activities while demonstrating proper manners and social skills at all times. This not only ensures a passing grade, it also provides for more fun and fitness for everyone. Our goal is to teach each student not only how to be a better player, but a better person as a result of their daily efforts in the rigors of physical education.
PE Uniform Sale Schedule