Juvenile Loitering
According to California law, all persons between the ages of six and eighteen must attend school. A few exceptions exist for special circumstances. Juveniles are not permitted to loiter in public places when school is in session.
Under the Daytime Loitering Ordinance a truant juvenile can be cited with an infraction, and both the juvenile and the parent will be required to appear in Juvenile Court. The court may set fines up to $250 and require community service. On the third offense, the court may set fines up to $1,000 and require the parents to spend up to six months in jail.
Sexual Harassment
San Diego Unified School District is committed to making all schools free from sexual harassment. This means that the district prohibits harassment made by someone from, or in, the educational setting. Sexual harassment can be such actions as: unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual behaviors, verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone from, or in, the educational setting.
The district prohibits conduct that has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact on the student's academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. The district further prohibits sexual harassment in which a student's grades, benefits, services, honors, program, or activities are dependent on submission to such conduct.
Students should report any sexual harassment to their school principal, vice principal, counselor, or teacher. The district believes that harassment issues can be resolved at the site. However, if this problem is not resolved satisfactorily, parents and students may contact the district's legal office to file a formal complaint.
To file a formal complaint, obtain a copy of the Uniform Complaint form and procedure from the school or the district's Legal Office. Remedies available outside of the district are listed in this procedure.
San Diego Unified School District will immediately undertake an effective, thorough, and objective investigation of the harassment allegations. The investigation will be conducted in a manner that respects the privacy of all parties concerned. A written report will be provided within 60 days of when the complaint is filed.
If it is determined that the policy prohibiting sexual harassment has been violated, disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion, will be taken. Employees who violate this policy shall be disciplined according to personnel procedures. The person filing the complaint may pursue action in civil court.
Substance Abuse
The district's Substance Abuse policy prohibits a student from possessing, using, furnishing, and selling alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs at school. It is important that parents as well as students are aware of the new, more rigorous consequences related to this policy. For instance, violations are cumulative during a student's four years in high school, and cigarettes and tobacco are included. A student in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action at school and referred to law enforcement.
1st Offense: The student will be suspended for one to three days. The suspension may be reduced if the parent/guardian and student agree to participate in the district's Comprehensive Health for 30 days the student will be unable to participate extracurricular, athletic, or freshmen activity, including promotion.
2nd Offense: The student will be suspended for three to five days. The suspension may be reduced as stated above. The student will lose the right to participate in the above activities for a 90-day period. The school will initiate an alternative school placement.
3rd Offense: The student will be suspended for five days and a recommendation will be made for expulsion. The Board of Education may suspend the expulsion, if the student agrees to attend a district-approved substance abuse program, which is private, public, or court supervised. Failure to complete the program will result in notification of the appropriate legal authorities. The student will be ineligible to participate in school activities, including ninth-grade activities, for one complete calendar year. Expulsion will not be recommended for the third tobacco violation. The school will initiate an alternative school placement.
4th Offense: The student will be suspended for five days and a recommendation made for expulsion. The Board of Education may suspend the expulsion if the student agrees to enter and completes a district-approved substance abuse program, which is private, public, or court supervised. Failure to complete the program will result in notification of the appropriate authorities and reinstatement of the original expulsion order. The student will be suspended for five days and a recommendation made for expulsion. This action includes tobacco violations as well.
Participation in promotion ceremonies will be denied any ninth-grade student in violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy. The school will initiate an alternative school placement.
We believe that the new policy and enforcement of its consequences, along with parent and community support, are essential for student well being. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact your student's counselor or a school administrator at Bell Middle School.